The organizational structure of the Institute is described in the diagram below, including:

  1. Institute Leadership: 01 Director and 02 Deputy Directors

  2. Functional and Specialized Units within the Institute:

    a) General Administration Office: 01 Head and 01 Deputy Head

    b) Corporate Relations Office: 01 Head and 01 Deputy Head

Organizational Chart of the Institute of Applied Science and Technology

     3. Number of Staff and Contract Workers at the Institute: Utilize human resources in accordance with the functions, tasks, and regulations stipulated in Decree No. 08/2014/NĐ-CP dated January 27, 2014, and Decree No.                  120/2020/NĐ-CP dated October 7, 2020, of the Government, and according to the arrangement, assignment, and transfer managed by the University for the approved job positions.

1. Leadership Team

a) Director

  1. The Director is the legal representative responsible for all activities of the Institute, complying with the laws and regulations of the University of Information Technology and Communication (CNTT&TT).

  2. Duties and Authorities of the Director:

    • Submit the organizational and operational regulations of the Institute to the President for review and approval.
    • Issue internal regulations, rules, and procedures of the Institute according to the regulations of the University of CNTT&TT.
    • Be accountable for all activities of the Institute according to the laws and the regulations of the University of CNTT&TT.
    • Serve as the account holder and be fully responsible for the financial matters of the unit as per the law.
    • Lead, direct, and organize the development and implementation of the unit's programs and plans in accordance with the law and the regulations of the University of CNTT&TT.
    • Assign, inspect, and supervise the tasks of the Deputy Directors, functional units, and specialized units.
    • Represent the unit in relationships with agencies, organizations, and individuals when addressing issues within the authority.
    • Sign documents within the scope of authority as prescribed.
    • Perform tasks and exercise authority related to human resources as prescribed after obtaining approval from the President.
    • Implement regulations on finance, assets, labor, salary, and policies for the staff, officials, and employees of the Institute as per current regulations.
    • Coordinate closely with related units inside and outside the University to effectively perform the tasks of the Institute.
    • Ensure political security and order within the Institute.
    • Implement the meeting and reporting regime as prescribed.
  3. Qualifications of the Director:

    • Possess good political and ethical qualities, have a reputation, and have management capability with at least 5 years of experience in the specialized field suitable to the Institute's functions.
    • Hold a Doctorate degree or higher.
    • Be in good health.
  4. The Director is appointed and dismissed by the President of the University of CNTT&TT, with a term of 5 years and can be reappointed as per the regulations.

b) Deputy Director

  1. The Deputy Director assists the Director, in charge of work areas assigned by the Director, and is responsible to the Director and the law for the assigned fields and tasks. The number of Deputy Directors shall not exceed 2.

  2. Duties and Authorities of the Deputy Director:

    • Assist the Director in managing specific work under the responsibility, accountable to the Director for the assigned work areas.
    • Develop plans related to the specialized tasks, report to the Director for decision-making, and implement plans in the assigned fields.
    • Represent the Director in working with agencies, organizations, and individuals when authorized by the Director.
    • Perform other tasks as assigned by the Director.
  3. Qualifications of the Deputy Director:

    • Possess good political and ethical qualities, have a reputation, and have experience in leadership, management, and professional activities related to the field of responsibility.
    • Hold a Master's degree or higher with a specialization suitable for the Institute's activities.
    • Be in good health.
  4. The Deputy Director is appointed and dismissed by the President of the University of CNTT&TT based on the Director's recommendation. The term of the Deputy Director is concurrent with the term of the Director and can be reappointed.

2. Functional and Specialized Units of the Institute

a) General Administration Office

  • This unit assists the Director in implementing organizational, administrative, planning, synthesis, financial, scientific management, technology transfer, and international cooperation tasks of the Institute.
  • It is directly managed and guided by the Director and professionally supervised by the Institute’s Leadership.
  • Develop internal rules and regulations in the management field for approval by the Institute’s Leadership and supervise their implementation.
  • Plan recruitment, propose salary increases, and organize the Institute's machinery.
  • Oversee emulation, commendation, discipline, training, and staff management of the Institute's officials and employees.
  • Implement labor policies according to the Labor Code.
  • Plan and conduct internal inspections upon approval from the Director.
  • Handle correspondence, archives, and management of the Institute’s seals, telephones, and fax machines.
  • Draft documents for the Institute’s Leadership.
  • Maintain internal political security, fire prevention, organize meetings, transactions, and social welfare activities of the Institute.
  • Ensure smooth communication between the Leadership and subordinate units.
  • Coordinate the management of scientific and technological projects and tasks, both domestic and international, according to regulations.
  • Perform other tasks as assigned by the Director.

b) Corporate Relations Office

  • The Corporate Relations Office focuses on organizing and implementing connections and collaborations between the Institute and agencies, organizations, and enterprises in scientific research and technology transfer activities.

  • Expand cooperation to maintain and develop relationships between the Institute and various entities.

  • Organize cooperative activities with agencies, organizations, and enterprises in scientific research, technology transfer, and community service.

  • Introduce experts from agencies, organizations, and companies for guest lectures at the University as needed.

  • Collaborate with other units to work with enterprises on developing applied research in response to enterprise needs.

  • Work with functional units of the University to incubate businesses, startups, and foster innovation within the University.

c) Research and Product Development Office

  • This unit is responsible for scientific research, development, application, and transfer of scientific and technological results in the fields of information technology, digital engineering and technology, digital economy and management, and multimedia communication.

    • Conduct research and develop new technology and product features, improve existing products and processes to optimize cost and production efficiency, including:
      • Product R&D
      • Technology R&D
      • Process R&D
      • Packaging R&D
    • Plan the efficient use of the Institute’s laboratories.
    • Perform other tasks as assigned by the Director.