1.1. Alignment with the Party's Policies and State Laws on the Development of Science and Technology Applications

In the process of accelerating the industrialization and modernization (CNH, HĐH) of the country, science and technology (KH, CN) and innovation (ĐMST) have always been considered the foremost important foundation for rapid and sustainable development. The role of KH, CN & ĐMST has been clearly affirmed in the Party's policies and is consistently reflected in the goals of the National Action Plan. It is a key tool in achieving sustainable development goals, playing an important role in economic growth and development, addressing challenges in all aspects of economic and social life.

Since the implementation of the country's renovation policy (1986), our Party has shown determination to develop and apply the achievements of science and technology to the country's development process. Building on the Party's innovative thinking through various congresses and the Party's vision for the needs of national construction and development in the new situation, at the XIII Party Congress, KH, CN & ĐMST were consistently, coherently, and specifically presented in the Congress's Documents, from general objectives, specific goals to development orientations of the country. Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated November 17, 2022, of the 13th Central Executive Committee on continuing to promote the country's industrialization and modernization until 2030, with a vision to 2045, has "identified the core content of the CNH, HĐH cause for the 2021 - 2030 period as strongly promoting the application of KH, CN & ĐMST, especially the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and effectively, sustainably implementing comprehensive digital transformation." The resolution outlines tasks and solutions to build and complete institutions and policies to promote the country's CNH, HĐH, such as: "Completing mechanisms and policies for the development of KH, CN & ĐMST suitable to Vietnam's realities and international practices. Having appropriate preferential policies on taxes, finance, credit, land... for scientific and technological research; encouraging enterprises to invest in research and development; facilitating the effective establishment and use of investment funds for KH - CN and innovation by enterprises." The Party's policies on the development of KH&CN are not only appropriate to the practical needs of the country's development but also strategic orientations for the State, ministries, sectors, and localities to institutionalize through policies, laws, action programs, and implementation.

Institutionalizing the Party's policies on KH&CN, on June 18, 2013, the 5th session of the 13th National Assembly passed the Law on Science and Technology with many important, breakthrough regulations and policies, creating a foundation to promote KH, CN & ĐMST activities at the national, sectoral, field, and enterprise levels.

On May 11, 2022, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 569/QĐ-TTg on the Development Strategy of KH, CN & ĐMST, affirming: "Developing science, technology, and innovation is the top national policy, playing a strategic breakthrough role in the new phase; it is the main driving force to promote growth, create breakthroughs in productivity, quality, and efficiency; it is the decisive factor to enhance the national competitiveness, sectors, fields, localities, and enterprises; it is the foundation to implement national digital transformation" with specific views, orientations, objectives, tasks, and solutions for the development of KH, CN & ĐMST until 2030.

Thus, the establishment of the Institute of Applied Science and Technology under the University of Information Technology and Communication (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) is completely in line with the Party's policies, state laws on KH, CN & ĐMST to enhance research capacity and application of scientific and technological achievements into economic and social development; simultaneously driving CNH, HĐH, contributing to successfully implementing the strategy of building and protecting the Fatherland.

1.2. Characteristics, Situation, and Alignment with the Development Orientation and Strategy of the University of Information Technology and Communication

1.2.1. Characteristics and Situation of the University of Information Technology and Communication

The University of Information Technology and Communication (CNTT&TT) is a member university of Thai Nguyen University. Over more than 20 years of construction and development, the university has affirmed its position as one of the reputable universities nationwide and in the region, training high-quality human resources in the fields of information technology, communication, and related fields based on information technology and communication.

In terms of organizational structure, the University of CNTT&TT consists of: the Party Committee, the University Council, the Board of Directors, the Science and Training Council, other advisory councils, 06 specialized faculties, 07 functional departments, 03 centers, 01 training institute, and political-social organizations. Basically, the organizational structure and management mechanism of the University of CNTT&TT are relatively appropriate, ensuring the operation and coordination of activities to fulfill the tasks of the university. The university is continuing to consolidate its organizational system and innovate its management methods to enhance governance capacity and improve operational efficiency and effectiveness.

1.2.2. Alignment with the Development Orientation and Strategy of the University of Information Technology and Communication

The development strategy of the University of CNTT&TT to 2025, with a vision to 2030 (issued with Resolution No. 09/NQ-HĐT dated May 20, 2022, of the University Council) on KH&CN clearly states the general objective: "Forming a scientific staff with national and international-level qualifications and experience, ready to participate in and lead large projects with high scientific value, major scientific forums at home and abroad. Enhancing the research capacity for staff and employees and contributing to improving the training quality of the university. Increasing revenue from national and multi-level KH&CN activities, while reducing expenditure on KH&CN from the university's revenue." The specific objectives emphasize forming interdisciplinary, inter-faculty research groups to propose large-scale projects with practical applications. Building a network of businesses to support investment in scientific research and technology transfer (NCKH&CGCN). The strategy also outlines the specific goal of establishing a KH&CN service center to spearhead research activities based on orders, and transfer KH&CN products to businesses and manufacturers.

The Institute of Applied Science and Technology is established with the desire to effectively carry out the university's political tasks in promoting NCKH&CGCN activities within and outside the university. In addition, the Institute will contribute to the transfer and integration of high-level human resources between research institutes, universities, and enterprises; implementing programs to identify and nurture potential research groups, and incubating innovative start-up enterprises within the university.

1.3. Contributing to the Completion of Strategic Objectives on KH, CN & ĐMST of the Province

Geographically, Thai Nguyen province belongs to the northern midland and mountainous region of Vietnam, adjacent to the capital Hanoi. With the potential of high-quality, intelligent human resources from universities and colleges in the province, Thai Nguyen can shorten the CNH, HĐH process by leveraging the resources of the province's intellectual and scientific community and taking advantage of the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

To successfully achieve the strategic objectives on KH, CN & ĐMST, the Provincial Party Committee has issued Resolution No. 01-NQ/TU dated December 31, 2020, on the Digital Transformation Program of Thai Nguyen province, for the 2021-2025 period, with a vision to 2030 stating the goal: "Fundamentally and comprehensively renovate state management, progressing towards building a digital government; developing a digital economy and digital society; promoting production and business activities in the direction of digital technology application, forming competitive digital technology enterprises in the market." Clearly identifying the goals, tasks, and solutions to be implemented in line with the province's actual conditions, particularly the formation of digital technology enterprises, on September 26, 2022, the Provincial People's Committee issued Plan No. 139/KH-UBND on the development of digital technology enterprises in Thai Nguyen province, for the 2022-2025 period, with a vision to 2030, aiming to have over 3000 digital technology enterprises in the province by 2030.

Along with the above goal, on June 1, 2021, the Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 1760/QĐ-UNBD on approving the Project to support, develop scientific and technological organizations, and scientific and technological enterprises in Thai Nguyen province for the 2021-2025 period, emphasizing the general goal: "Developing a system of KH&CN organizations, scientific and technological enterprises to enhance the province's KH&CN potential. Improving the capacity and operational efficiency of KH&CN organizations, and scientific and technological enterprises, creating momentum to promote the application of scientific research results and technological development into production and business activities; enhancing competitiveness, developing KH&CN products." This confirms that the development strategy of Thai Nguyen province prioritizes research and application of KH&CN in agriculture, industry; development of technology tasks with broad applicability in various fields; focusing on the application of information technology in production and social life; encouraging the development of scientific and technological enterprises, gradually forming and developing the KH&CN market.

The Institute of Applied Science and Technology is established with the aim of becoming a reputable scientific and technological organization, with a team of intellectuals and scientists with high expertise and rich experience in research and application of research results into practice, contributing to the successful achievement of the strategic goals of Thai Nguyen province on KH, CN & ĐMST.